9 oct 2007

Wholeness hole

i am sorry if this space seems kind of forgotten or lonely to you! but this is just a place where I write when my mind and my soul tell me to, because here is where i wanna release everything that i am thinking, feeling and even holding on to.

i have not been having time to write my stuff, because college takes all my time away from me...

last tuesday i had an experience that, i MUST had had enjoyed, but I didn't... AT ALL xD
But, what gives me comfort is that I've learn so much from it... because... in 3 words: I was objectualized... and it was a hurtful experience, but what does not kill me makes me strong doesn't it? =)

So... lately i have been thinking about it... about objectualization of people, of products, of services, and it is something that we all humans use to do A LOT! we don't see a person anymore, we just see in which way we can use them, and depending of the performance of the person, and of the results, we get to think wheter we're using him/her again... and i think it's kind of sad we "people" have stopped beeing nice to others, and stopped wanting to getting involved with someone, we just wanna have sex, or have fun, or whatever is the use we want to give to those people... that's what makes me wonder, then, where are we going? or where is it gonna stop?... we're just like robots to each others, i use you, you use me, we use each other, and then, i drop you into the trash... that's not good...
we have lots of aspects for which we worth it... but, why can not we see them?
i have just one answer (let me know if you have another one), it is because we don't want to
it's because it is easier to use and to get used, than getting involved, than risking our feelings, because then, we get vulnerable, so that we can get hurt, and nobody likes to get hurt... true?

but i might say... i am walking on the other side of the road... i kind of like getting hurt, knowing that i am giving always my best, my 100% and it is quite painful, but i still think it worths it, because i can not be happy with myself without giving all my effort, without trying my best... i think that's just the way i am, and, eventhough i have been pretty hurt, i don't get use to the pain, and it doesn't hurt less (just the way it happens to other people), nop, in my case it hurts so much, but i always know that i'm getting through it, because i always do, no mather what happened, i always see the light, sometimes early, sometime it lasts, but at least i see it...

i guess i am trying to reach happyness through pain... and here is where it comes again the frase "pain is love", "love is violent", "if it doesn't hurt, it doesn't count", and i have tons of frases like those... i think all feelings are attached to their... "opposite" love to hate, sadness to happyness, etc... because... even if you think one is lack of the other... like vacuum! i think it is vacuum of something ¿isn't it? ... so it is a need... an unsatisfied need...

in that case...
i might be unsatisfied...

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

well, it's just a different point of view, I think you see the glass half empty instead of half filled,the same aplies here.

I'm sorry to read about your experience, it just feels somehow as if you like to learn the things the hard way, life is a donut girl, remember that when you feel lonely.

Pain is part of the big donut, that's the way we realize we are alive, overcoming the pain just makes us feel right, but pain is not necessary to feel we're something liying around on the universe, let's see, imagine a path that diverges at some point, both sides leads to the same ending,one of them goes through cold caves, and the other one goes through a beautifull forest, now you know where I'm heading to...

Regards Lady, hugs and Have a nice day.

P.S. Life is a donut

Jaime dijo...

Jaime, el Jaime que tantas tarugadas dice en semiotica. Ése Jaime.

Me ando dando una vuelta por curiosidad a ver si has escrito otra cosa i me topo con que sigues en la necedad de tu teoria de contrarios complementarios, cada quien no? ia sabes ke yo respeto.

aunque aguas, creo que tu misma te das la contraria al final: al indicar al vacio como la ausencia de algo. Para seguir con tus postulados deberias de imaginar al vacio como entidad aparte, no como ausencia por sí misma sino como ente complementario. Ya te lo decia en ocaciones anteriores, el vacio no existe como tal, simplemente es la ausencia de algo. Como nos dice la mecánica cuántica, siempre existirán limites ante que tan falto de, que tan vacio será el vacio, por lo que deducimos el vacio jamás existirá mas que en nuestra limitada capacidad de imaginar carencia o ausencia extema y preferimos el camino rápido de nombrale antónimos a lo que nos topamos, simplemente otro absurdo imaginario. Aunque eso sí, no vayamos a los extemos, sólo porque un término se aplica para indicar la carencia de lo que normalmente pasaria a nombrar su devido antónimo no por eso pierde validez, de lo contrario, en ese caso viviriamos en un mundo entereamente en números negros. Lo que encuentro extraño es la necedad postmoderna de contrariar realidades con fantasmas.

ya te la sabes ke me encanta la polaca pa ke ni te sulfures.

y a ver si escribes mas seguido para dame vueltas, cada vez encuentro menos cosas entretenidas hoy en dia.


juanito venturas dijo...


this is not a comment about your blog, sorry. is about the concert.
yes, theres a second date for daft punk at Monterrey, november the 2nd. i dont know if there are still available tickets at www.superboletos.com i bought mine month and a half ago. theres even a 3rd date on november 4th @ guadalajara but i dont know which company is running the tickets.

try www.myspace.com/daftpunk
